(October 30, 2018)
I was really excited when I finally got my Hydroponic Nutrient Solution. So, the following day after we got the nutrient solution (October 28), I searched our house for a container that I can use for the project.
And I found this!
These I think will be perfect for a Peppa Dew plant.
So, I converted it into a hydroponic container.
First, I cut a hole on the blue lid, big enough for the red cup to fit in.
Then I punched some holes in the red cup. Those holes are intended to let some water in. Also, that is where the roots would eventually come out to reach the water.
Lyle, (the one where we bought the solution from) told us that we should put 25ml of each solution for every 10 liters of water.
The containers water level should be just enough for it to reach about a centimeter of the cup.
The container will need 2 liters of water for that, which means that I will have to put 5 ml of SNAP A and 5 ml of SNAP B.
I then put some white stones on the red cup and then the Peppa Dew plant (the one I planted last September 29 - October 14 blog posting date). Then covered the roots with some more white stones (first picture).
I hope that the plant would bear many fruits.
Wish me luck!