(May 09, 2018)
The picture above was taken May 09, 2018, two days ago. Now is May 11, and this is (unfortunately) how it looks today.
Note that in this picture, I have already added water in the container, when I saw it yesterday, the water level was less than half.
So, what happened? My father’s cows are what happened.
It is a very hot summer in the Philippines right now, and in the evening of May 09, the cows saw my Azolla bucket and decided to eat them and drink the water.
These are the last of my Azolla. I gave the large Azolla tank back to my father so he can use it for his cows. They really need a lot of water this summer.
As you know, I also have two backup Azollas in small containers, but this is how they look as of May 09.
Dismal, right?
Google weather says its 33°c now, but in the previous days, the temperature was really higher.
Back to the bucket. So, I cleaned the bucket and change the water and the cow dung solution. I added another bucket where I can put them, hopefully, this could save them.
First step
I transferred all the Azolla to the large black basin.
Then I set the two pails.
Then, I transferred the remaining healthy Azolla’s back to the growing containers. Unfortunately, these are all of them. The others are mostly dried and dead.
I also transferred one of the dismal back-up Azolla to a larger container and put it in a cage so that the cows would not be able to get them (hopefully).
The two containers, I placed inside our gate so that (again), the cows would not be able to eat them, and I am really hoping that these remaining Azollas would grow.
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