Sunday, October 21, 2018

An Unknwon Chili Update #1

October 11, 2018

About our mystery chili.  The one that we do not know the name.

The picture above was taken today, exactly 12 days after it was planted.  I am really so happy that most of them have already sprouted.

The first time I saw a sign of life was last October 06, or 7 days after planting.

(October 06, 2018)

This is how it looks, the following day.  I did not see any other sprouting seeds, just this one.

(October 07, 2018)

On the 9th of October (two days after),  these are what I saw.  Many have sprouted.  But for the others, I will still have to wait.

(October 09, 2018)

And today, only a few of the holes in my seeding trays have no sprout in them.

We are still going to wait for them, and I hope they would show themselves soon.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Agrilink 2018! Part 1.

October 04, 2018

The annual Agrilink was again held at The World Trade Center, Pasay City, Philippines.  This was last October 04 to October 07 (Thursday to Saturday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm).

This year PachamWorld was able to have its appearance in the event.  No, not as an exhibitor (yet), just a visitor.  But hopefully, someday we would have our own booth.

I arrived at the venue before 10:00 am, and the place was jam-packed.  The people in line at the registration booths was so long that I decided to go out and check the stalls outside first.

The live animals were placed there, together with the different machines used for farming.  The gardening supplies were also there. Yey!


(Peking Duck)


For the animals, I saw some pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, ponies (i want one!), peacock and a camel.  Yes, a camel (I also want one, although I do not know what I would do with a camel, ride it to work probably?).

(Various grafted fruit-bearing trees)

(Various grafted fruit-bearing trees)

 (Insulin Plant)

(Siling Pangsigang)

(Bell Pepper)

For the garden needs, I saw different kinds of Mulberry trees, fruiting already, grafted kalamansi seedlings, and as I expected, lots and lots of chilies (seedling and fruit-bearing).

(Chili Seedlings)

The chili seedlings that they were selling are still on trays (seedling trays), I did not bother to ask how much they cost any more (I cannot buy any anyway),  because it would be very hard for me to carry those home,  I did not bring a car.  I wanted to buy some because I see that the seedling are very nice and healthy.  Maybe next time.

I have already expected that many exhibitors will have chili on their booths (plants, seedlings, and fruit) because there was a lot of buzz on chili price these past weeks.  It reached a record high of more than a thousand peso per kilo.  No market seller is giving free chili anymore.

After the outside tour, I went to register, there still was a long line, but after 15 to 20 minutes, I finally got my ID.

What are inside the hall next time.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

An Unknown Chili (The Beginning)

September 29, 2018

This chili was given to me by Kuya Jhen last September 23, 2018.  Below is the plant where he got it from, well this is actually his plant.

He told me that someone gave him some seeds, and said that those were Ghost Chilis.  He had a Ghost Chili plant before but was not able to propagate it, until the plant died, more than a year or two after he planted it.  It was a pity really.  Ghost Chili plants are really nice to the eyes.

Well, back to this Chili.  So, he planted the seeds, and this is what it turned out.

We do not know the name of this chili maybe you can help us.  If you know its name, kindly put it in the comment section below. Thank you.

I have been looking online, and I saw two that resembles this.  The first is the Liebesapfel sweet chili pepper.  The other one is the Picuante or Peppadew chili pepper.

Our chili has a diameter of about one to one and one-half inches only, and it is less than an inch high, like a small tomato.

The plant really looks good, especially when the fruits are already ripe.  The fruit also turns red, like in the first picture.

I planted the seeds that Kuya Jhen gave me today, 69 seeds in all.

Hopefully, they would all grow.

Until next time.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Mushroom Update #4 (First Harvest)

October 07, 2018.

Yesterday morning, Eldeen harvested the three mushroom bags (the ones in update #3).  And today, I got some from two other bags.

When I got home, I weigh the two-day harvest, and it was almost 200 grams.

Lanie will be making some mini mushroom burger patties with these.  Soon I will post her recipe.

To date (37 days from the beginning and 7 days after the humidifier), only around 10 bags has fruited.  Hope to have more of the bags fruit in the coming days.

I am really excited to taste the burgers :-)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Mushroom Update #3 (They're Alive!!!)

October 04, 2018

My brother Eldeen sent me the picture above.

It had only been four days since we've installed the humidifier, and when Eldeen visited 'The Box' this morning, he saw this three fruiting bags that have fruited.

This is the picture of the third bag.

Harvest time would probably be tomorrow afternoon or Saturday morning.  We'll see.

We hope that this is the start, and in the coming days, all of the bags would bear their fruits.

Until the next update.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Mushroom Update #2 (The Humidified Mushrooms)

September 30, 2018

Day 30 of our mushroom project.

Things really aren't going well with our mushrooms.  To date, we only had 4 fruitings, and one of those bags is the one that already had fruits in them when we got it, it just had another flush.

We still are not able to give this project its needed attention.  My brother and I both lives far from its location.  I think Eldeen visits them every other day, while I can only visit on weekends (either Saturday or Sunday).

And to make it up to them (again), we added this humidifier.  My brother ordered this from an online store about two weeks ago, and it was finally delivered!  Talk about fast delivery (hmph!).  He ordered three items from this online store, some vertical pots, a timer, and this humidifier.  He made the order last September 17.  The pots were delivered on the twentieth, the timer on the 24th, and this humidifier just this 28.

Eldeen installed our DIY humidifier yesterday (September 29). 

He used a 5 liter PET bottle, where he cut two holes.  One is for the PC fan (the intake) to blow the mist, and the other one is where the mist would come out.

This is how it looked.  The PC fan was attached using four screws.

Below is the Timer.

It is set to work in a two-hour cycle. 

30 minutes on and 90 minutes off.

We hope that with this addition, our mushrooms would be happier and all of the bags would fruit.  Soon!

Until next time.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Mushroom Update #1 (The Boxed Mushrooms)

September 14, 2018

We had these mushrooms for 14 days now, and we haven't really taken good care of them. That is probably why we only had up to date, one bag that had fruited.

But today, we wanted to make it up to them.  We are going to build them a house!  Well, it is actually a box, or at least that is what my brother and I intended it to be.

We bought some 2 x 2 x 12 Coco lumbers and 1/4 kilo each of 4" and 3" nails.

I cut the Coco lumbers into 4 pcs of 60" long, 4 pcs of 22" long and 4 pcs of 20" long.  This will serve as our frame.  My brother was the one who assembled them together.

The picture above is what we had made.

We forgot to buy some tarpaulin that we will use as cover for the box.  But we will have those next time.

In the meantime, we have used some old carton boxes as covers.

We are also planning to put a humidifier with a timer in it.  Hope to have those in my next post.

Thank you.
