Sunday, January 27, 2019

Self-watering Pot : Update 01 (Epic fail!)

(June 17, 2018)

This project started last June 02, today is June 17.

The soil in the pots are as you can see in the picture above are still wet.  So I think that it is safe to say that this self-watering pot is effective.  Just do not use it in the rainy months, because the plants that you would put in it would most probably drown.  As what happened to the spring onions that I have planted in mine.

I think that starting this month of June 2018, it had been raining daily.  And this really was a bad time to test this kind of project.

The sky is very cloudy, and there were days when the sun does not even shine.

That is why my plants died.

I will have to try this again come summer time.

And maybe next time, I will also have to reduce the water and let it dry up a little.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Hydroponics Pacham Project

(Photo: January 02, 2019)

Hydroponics is a soilless method of growing plants, it instead of soil uses a mineral nutrient solution that is added to water.

Hydro = Water
Ponos = Labor

Or working water is another of its meaning.

I have seen a lot of people using this method of growing their plants, and I have for a long time wanted to try this method.

I have the Water.
I have the seeds!
I even have the containers!

My problem was the mineral nutrient solution.

I joined my first Hydroponics FB group last March 2017 (That was when I was still trying out Aquaponics - which I am still interested to do, but I will have to do this one later).  The FB Group is Aquaponics & Hydroponics  Growers in the Philippines.  I am not sure if this is where I learned about the SNAP Solution, but when all of my Tilapia died, I started focusing on Hydroponics.

I found a hydroponic mineral solution in Facebook that people in the Philippines are using.  And last August 26, 2017, I joined their FB page.

The FaceBook page is SNAP Hydroponics Grower.  And here is (again) where I learned about Hydro Greens, where I was able to get my first SNAP Solution last October 27, 2018! Yey!!!!!

I contacted Hydro Greens and asked if they have any available solution.  And I had a quick and positive reply from Ma'am Nilda.  So, together with my friend Boss Louie Ancaya, we drove to GMA Cavite to pick-up our SNAP Solution.

Ma'am Nilda was not there, but she already told her youngest son (Lyle) to meet us.  Lyle was very kind enough to show and teach us some of the hydroponic ways of planting,  and many thanks to you for that Lyle.

(The Lettuce Seedlings, Lyle, Boss Louie and Me)

Miss Nilda is also sending many helpful tips on Hydroponic planting via messenger.

If you need the SNAP Solution, I highly recommend for you to contact Hydro Greens.

I have the water, the seeds, the containers and I now have the Nutrient Solution!

Now, The Hydroponics Pacham Project begins!