Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Siling Pangsigang - Update #4

September 03, 2018

Made my first delivery!

Two pieces of Siling Pangsigang plants (fruit-bearing already) sold!

First costumer/buyer Miss Selena! (Thank you!)

I can only bring two pieces per day and Miss Selena bought four, so, I delivered the first batch on September 03 (Monday) and the rest the following day.

Miss Lerma and Miss Memie also bought a plant each, which I delivered last September 05.

All of them are my office mates.

My wife also posted this on Facebook, and there were many who inquired and wanted to visit us, but unfortunately for us, we only had six pieces available at that time.  The other plants haven't fruited yet.  I hope that they would soon.

I still have some pending orders at the moment, and these are just from my office mates.  I also have some friends who told me to contact them once I have some already available for sale.

(This picture was taken September 18, 2018)

I have three pieces available now and I would be delivering soon.

Just a side Note:

Prices of Sili in the Philippines today are rising.  They said that Siling Labuyo or the Red Chili is now more than Php1,000.00 per kilo, this used to be only around Php50.00.  I really am not aware, and I never really bothered with what had caused this.  Maybe the inflation, maybe the people in the government, or the charter change or maybe even climate change :-)  But that is really ridiculously high.

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