Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Mushroom (The Beginning)

September 01, 2018


We will be starting our mushroom farm!

Way back in 2012 my brother and I attended a seminar about mushroom farming.

In that seminar, all who attended were each given a certificate and a fruiting bag (like the picture above).  

My brother (Eldeen), was able to make this fruiting bag.  He took a little piece of the mushroom that our fruiting bag produced and cultured it in agar.  

Agar is the gelatine-like substance that scientist use to culture bacteria.  Maybe you would remember using that in your high school science class.

When the agar was fully colonized, he divided it and put a piece in each bottle that contains sorghum.

Sorghum is a kind of grain, and this is the grain we use here in the Philippines for mushroom production.

Then when the bottles were fully colonized, again, he divided the content to the fruiting bags that he made.

I cannot remember how many he was able to harvest from those fruiting bags.  But he said that some of the bags had some worms, and he needed to dispose of those at once.  That meant that he was not able to sterilize the bags correctly.  I think he steemed those bags for five hours, but it should be at least eight hours (according to a new source). 

Today, I went to Silang Cavite, on the mushroom farm of Miss Divine Camama and got us 100 pieces of fruiting bags.

Hopefully, we will be able to harvest many from these bags and also make more fruiting bags.

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